Saturday, October 26, 2019

Creative Story: The Golden Sock :: essays research papers

Creative Story: The Golden Sock Years after Odysseus came from his twenty year trip, Odysseus began to feel restless; he wanted to go on an adventure. He knew that his wife, Penelope would not agree to his decision to go seek the long stolen, "golden sock". To many people, this may be any ordinary sock, but to Ithica, it was different. It was the sock worn on the first person to set foot on the land of Ithica. Odysseus finally decided to go on the journey to seek the "golden sock." He snuck away leaving Penelope a note telling where he is, and what he wants to do. Him, and his hundred crew men went all the way to the Gibralter strait where he was turned around by Charybdis' funnel, and stranded on the peninsula of Hubble. He picked his best men to search the beautiful island. "Men, our objective here is to find the long gone, "golden sock". We have traveled hundreds of miles already, and we still have not come close to finding the "golden sock". I want you to look at the feet of every man on this island, hoping to see the "golden sock". This may not be easy, and we may have to fight, so I want every man to be ready to go to war," Odysseus claimed. Odysseus and his men came to a cave and were directly surrounded. They got ready to fight, but the people were only trying to find out if they were friendly or hostile. The people were called the Takol Klan. They invited Odysseus and his men for the verrano feast. The Takol Klan, that greeted them, seemed to overly excited to Odysseus. "Hey, do two of you want to come and help us set up for tomorrow's feast," Taboli said. "Sure, Odysseus, Ankortipo and I are going to go with these friendly hosts," said Amtiphorus. "Go ahead, you two, but watch your back; we don't know these people, they might have the holy, golden sock," said Odysseus. Odysseus gathered all of his men, and told them, that their main task was to look at all the men's feet, trying to seek the "golden sock". Odysseus followed the soldiers to the sitting room, and a mammoth of a beast was sitting on the couch watching T.V. He stood up and introduced himself. "My people call me Cyclops, and you can see why, I am the leader of this tribe." "My name is Odysseus, my men call me Odysseus, but you can call me Master." "Welcome Master. Will you join me for dinner in my private quarter?

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